Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Mitch McConnell Lecture on John J. Crittenden

   Mitch McConnell's lecture on John J. Crittenden was a blast.  He was very informative!  Personally, being a staunch Republican that I am, I thoroughly enjoyed actually meeting McConnell. (If this offends, then get over it).  This was my first time ever meeting a man of such high profile.  

    I had actually never really studied much on Crittenden.  From McConnell's lecture, I believe that Crittenden did a lot for Kentucky.  While popular history shines the light on Crittenden as being the "poor man's Henry Clay", I feel that if it was not for Crittenden and his efforts of keeping Kentucky in the Union, we might have fallen to the Confederacy much soon.   Kentucky was the strategic spot that was needed for the Union to succeed and beat the South. Crittenden's efforts of keeping Kentucky together and in tact is really admirable.  McConnell's deliverance of his knowledge on Crittenden, from the early stages of his political career to his death in  1863, is very intriguing.  Very, very smart man. 

   Plus, he didn't have to, but he did anyway, he took pictures with Nate and I.  While many people do not like him, McConnell is a very nice and humble man. 


  1. I very much enjoyed his lecture. I would elaborate on why I liked it but it is going to be in an upcoming blog. I will say that I really did enjoy getting to shake Mitch McConnell's hand. Its not everyday I get to shake hands with the Senate Minority Leader. Some people might not see his position as that important, but I see it as something to be proud of and the fact that he is a fellow Republican makes it all the better. I can honestly say that he gives me a sense of pride in my state.

    1. Agreed! He's one of the last leaders of American who actually have a brain and intends to compromise while the rest of the politicians just sit there with the fingers in the dirty places. My advice: Go hard or go home. McConnell is the man.

      And that's all I have to say about that. (in my best Forrest Gump voice)
